Como dizer “Marcar quatro gols num jogo” em inglês

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Zumstein 1 31 437
Marcar dois gols:
Score a brace - To score two goals by one player in a match.
-Kelvin scores a brace as Porto beat Braga.

Marcar três gols:
Score a hat-trick - The scoring of three goals by one player in a match.
-Geoff Hurst scored a hat-trick for England against West Germany in the 1966 World Cup final.

Marcar quatro gols:
Four-goal haul - To score four goals by one player in a match.
1 – ‘The final is all that counts' - Lewandowski humble after four-goal haul.
2 – Messi’s four goals haul against Osasuna was a gift to his fans.
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