Como dizer "Marcas de estrangulamento" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
O corpo foi encontrado na cena do crime com marcas de estrangulamento.

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2 respostas
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Breckenfeld 3 15 131
O corpo foi encontrado na cena do crime com marcas de estrangulamento.

My suggestion :

The body was found at the crime scene showing strangulation marks.

PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Also "ligature marks" when, in forensics, the term being applied to the marks left by
some cord-like material.
"Ligature marks are those marks made by an item of cord, rope, silk or some such material that has been used for the purposes of strangulation."

You could ask, what if it isn´t used any cord or anything like this? say, by hand or other ways? you would call it "with signs/symptoms of strangulation" (even tough, symptoms rings the victim is found alive).

As in
Bruising – in area of jaw line to clavicles
Scrapes/Abrasions Fingernail marks (claw marks, scratches, impressions)
Finger marks and/or handprints
Ligature marks Petechiae – eyes and/or skin “Blood red eyes” (subconjunctival hemorrhages) Swelling and/or lumps “Skin Crackling” (Subcutaneous Emphysema) Voice changes or loss of voice Difficulty breathing Difficulty swallowing Complaints of pain Ringing in ears or tinitus
Change in mental status and/or amnesia
Vomiting (may lead to aspiration and lung damage) and