Como dizer "me deram a palavra que funcionaria" em inglês

Eles me deram a palavra que o serviço seria feito.

Eu escrevi isso.

They give me a word that the service would be done.

Está correto? Eu preciso montar uma sentença com esse sentido usando a palavra "word".

Tem que ter a palavra word.

Ficarei grato.

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
They gave their word that they would get the service done.

The same as "they promised to get the service done.

And also usual the elaborating about deadlines:
...would get the service done in a few days/in 7 days/as quickly as possible. get the service done quickly/timely/.

Without further elaboration, it could sound as something that seemed impossible but they claim they are able to do, the deadline being or not important (not the focus).

Whereas to the title of the heading - " deram a palavra que funcionaria."
They assured me that it would work.
They gave me their word that it would work.

If you thought "funcionaria" as something like "que daria certo" (iria se cumprir, não ficar preocupado):
They gave me the word that they would delivery (on time), that I don't worry.