Como dizer "Me leva às alturas (música)" em inglês

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Eu não achei no fórum esta expressão em inglês, então, como é?


O novo single de Coldplay, Arabesque, leva-me às alturas com o sax e outros sopros introduzidos ao longo da canção.

See you later! _s0/

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6 49 1.3k
Yes, sometimes a singer performing a haunting (captivating) beautiful tune and transports you to an entirely different world! It may make you emotional (along with sending you shivers down the spine, get goosebumps, or to cry).
Sometimes we experience the frisson at certain given passages of the song, due to sudden modulation of the voice by the singer.
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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Parece que é este post daqui do fórum - procurem por isto:
Tradução de "shoot to the sky"

Então, é shoot to the sky ?

Aguardo os Experts!\o/
6 49 1.3k
I am afraid if used in very specific contexts, in other words, a stretch of sorts. Not the usual way to use the expression meaning emotional bursts or something.

Some examples of everyday use:
Fire shoot to the sky before they blow up in a series of explosions.

So let the rates shoot to the sky!

And if those who have vested interest in high property prices continue to fan and allow the prices to shoot to the sky, the genuine buyers will be the one to lose out.

Well, after this incident her popularity will definitely shoot to the sky.

Money'll make a ni**a shift a pistol shoot to the sky
[Daz] ni**a let's ride! (from a song lyrics)

Other than the literal shooting at something, it oftens means disparar/aumentar de repente/subir de repente/subir rapidamente (inflação/fama/popularidade) de forma "vertiginosa". Similar to "skyrocket".

Of course, in a show some music could make our adrenaline shoot to sky! But shoot to the sky wouldn´t mean - transport us to elsewhere, give us goosebumps - per se. Wouldn´t mean "to give us that je ne se quoi" feeling!

I mean, it´s not used very often in this way. I might be proven otherwise, though.