Como dizer "Me manter atualizado" em inglês

Como dizer "Me manter atualizado" em inglês?

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Keep me up-to-date.
Keep me updated.
Keep me posted.

Check out this article too: Como diz "Manter atualizado, Manter-se atualizado"
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6 49 1.3k
Depending on the situation it could also be "keep me giving feedback" a guy piloting a small airplane said to his copilot -just keep me giving feedback, directions, altitude, that kind of stuff....
Source (of my example): Jim Craig novel North to Disaster.
19 293
PPAULO escreveu: 28 Fev 2020, 21:57 Depending on the situation it could also be "keep me giving feedback" a guy piloting a small airplane said to his copilot -just keep me giving feedback, directions, altitude, that kind of stuff....
Source (of my example): Jim Craig novel North to Disaster.
You might want to read that again, Paulo. I'm sure you'll pick up on where you went wrong there. And giving someone feedback isn't really the same as keeping them posted or up to date with something.
19 293
And to add to Bryan's suggestions, you can say "keep me in the loop". This one has more of an idiomatic feel to it, though.
6 49 1.3k
I agree that giving someone feedback isn't really the same as keeping them posted or up to date with something. Keep giving feedback is (of course given the context, since the airplane was being attacked and copilot had to make evasive maneuvers and be informed all the time about fuel, altitude, etc.
In Portuguese "atualizar uma informação/dados" can also be said it is updating, hence my warning "depending on the situation", it was a kind of event in which there a little intersection in meaning.

But okay, I am fine with letting go of some unusual usage of a word. So I will leave some synonyms for "manter atualizado" in that sense of "keep me posted":
Keep me in the loop.
Let me know.
Keep me informed.
Keep me apprised.
Update me.
Keep me up to date.
Let me know how it goes.
Keep/get me up to speed.
Just keep me informed.

And other ways.