Como dizer "Mentira descarada, deslavada,cabeluda" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Confira mais esta dica de inglês.

Bald-faced lie (AmE)
Barefaced lie (BrE)

Exemplos de uso:
  • That was a bald-faced lie! (Foi uma mentira descarada!)
  • I think it is a barefaced lie. (Eu acho que é uma mentira deslavada.)
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8 respostas
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josneywat 6

A patent lie

Patent means "visible, active, or obvious": The claim that I pinched Marilyn's tush is a patent lie!

A blatant lie (especially used in South African and Indian English)

a fragrant untruth, an obvious falicy

If this appears to be a tactful way of wording an “accomplishment” rather than a blatant lie and may even bring a smile to your face
maryziller 1 2
I grew up hearing "bold-faced lie" and "bold-faced liar" like cara de pau.

I looked on the web and found that Some people do say bare-faced and bald-faced lie. They think that it refers to when businessmen wore beards. That doesn't make much sense to me. Isn't it just as easy to lie with a beard as without one?
josneywat 6
Same here, Mary.
donay mendonça escreveu:Also

A patent lie

Patent means "visible, active, or obvious": The claim that I pinched Marilyn's tush is a patent lie!

A blatant lie (especially used in South African and Indian English)

a fragrant untruth, an obvious falicy

If this appears to be a tactful way of wording an “accomplishment” rather than a blatant lie and may even bring a smile to your face
Just a small correction, fragrant is related to smell as opposed to flagrant that is about sth obvious. So the correct would be flagrant. This way, a flagrant lie
josneywat 6
Yes, you are right. I just copied the definition from some sources wihout even analysing them.
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Daniel.S 1 2 11

likely story

take care,

Hello everyone.

Existe uma expressão idiomática também para o ato de mentir descaradamente:
To lie through one's teeth. (Mentir através dos dentes = mentir descaradamente.)

Exemplo: He's such a liar! He lies through his teeth. (Ele é um tremento mentiroso! Ele mente descaradamente.)

Espero ter contribuído com a dica.

See you soon.
"What an outright, outrageous lie!"