Como dizer "Misturar lixo orgânico com reciclável" em inglês


Gostaria de saber qual a forma mais correta de escrever a seguinte frase em inglês: "Não misture o lixo orgãnico com o reciclável". Qual a melhor forma de escrever esse "misturar"?


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5 respostas
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Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
I believe you could say:

To mix sth with sth.

>> Do not mix organic trash with recyclables / recycling materials.
- Não misture o lixo orgânico com os (materiais) recicláveis.

>> Separate organics from recyclables.
- Separe os orgânicos dos recicláveis.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It could be expressed as the following:
Please do not (don´t) mix organic items (we are talking about organic waste, organic garbage, here.) with recyclables.

Expressed in that way would be bit informal, in a more business-like way, we could say "Organic items should not be mixed with recycables.", in a note from the waste collection and recycling services for example.

And in other ways, of course. It worth noticing that being organic material doesn´t necessarily means it isn´t non-recycable.
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Organic items can be transformed into fertilizers.
Is it a good example?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yes, spot on!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yard and kitchen waste would go in such category, compostable plastic too (biodegradable plastics, I mean, even if it´s a novelty in country like ours).