Como dizer "Não se fazem mais homens assim" em inglês

Olá pessoal! :)

Seria algo como They don't make men like this anymore!?

Eu achei que o they ficou meio estranho! :?
Mas se eu não usar ele, eu vou usar que pronome no lugar? :(

Eu acho que essa frase nem é tão difícil de construir e eu penando aqui haha

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3 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Pensei em:

"They don't make men like they used to"

Outros, porém, poderão pensar diferente.
Ancrispa 9 55
There aren’t men like that anymore.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
The initial expressions is acceptable, meaning precisely what you guys have expressed on your comments.

Indeed, "they" is an impersonal way used to refer to a fact in general, meaning somehow that "it´s a fact that that kind of men doesn´t exist anymore".

They don't make men like this anymore! What a beautiful thing to see! ... 429080857/

Of course, of all these sentences perhaps the one from Ancrispa is the one more in use, but feel free to use "they". However strange that may seem.