Como dizer "Nascer em berço de ouro" em inglês

You can use the expression 'to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth'.

Expressão usada para designar uma criança, ou qualquer ser que possui ótimas condições financeiras desde nascido.

Exemplo: It's no wonder that Silvia is so pampered. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and is used to having everything she wants.

Hope that helps! :D


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3 respostas
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Jerry Dorien 4 48
To be born into a wealthy family (nascer em berço de ouro)
She was born into a wealthy family (ela nasceu em berço de ouro)

Trust fund baby
A young person whose parents are wealthy and have set up a trust for their son or daughter. The trust fund ensures that the child will be taken care of financially for life.
"...unless they were a trust fund baby"
"...a menos que eles fossem nascidos em berço de ouro"
Andrezzatkm 2 8 111
Trust fund baby, soa mais como "filhinho de papai."