Como dizer "O bebê quer papá" em inglês

Existe uma forma de dizer "o bebê quer papa" em inglês tendo em vista que é um adulto dizendo isso? Ou então alguma outra forma infantilizada de se referir a papinha ou comida da criança além de "Baby food"?

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
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I am not versed in baby talk, but my impression is that English isn´t that phonetically similar to ours - culturally speaking. I will explain, they don´t use the cutesy language as we do, they do sometimes but not as we do - 'pre-talk wise'.
Children at early on the other hand like single or two-syllable words (mostly repetitive), bye bye, mamma, daddy, bow-ow, meow, nana (meaning grandmother as in "where did nana go?".

Other than there is the repetition of words in music, not necessary with any meaning, but just because we are attracted by it. Somehow it sticks in our brains.
You got me saying na na na...Can´t take my eyes off you na na na.

So, not being that "musical" they don´t use the baby talk as we use: nenê quer naná (sleep), nana neném (sleep baby, sleep) bebê quer papá (feeling hungry? I see you want food/I´ll some food okay?, etc) dinda (madrinha/vó/tia).

But sometimes they do, as in "daddy is angwy" (angry). And in other situations, but it seems like they don´t the "baby talk" so profusely as we do. Here even an adult can friendly say that "ele/ela foi naná, está dormindo agora" without coming out as childish sometimes.

In both countries one can use the "baby talk" to mock others (adult people), perceived as immature, though.
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
Tudo bom?
Poxa, um termo infantilizado, como disse, para substituir o verbo "comer", confesso que nunca ouvi, mas deve haver.
Mas se te ajudar, sei que a papa mesmo é "puree", inclusive para a papinha das crianças.
E se algo está uma papa ou ficou empapada fala-se que está/ficou "wet runny" ou "pureed".
6 26 454
Dear friends,

I enjoy this opportunity to make a few comments.


In Semantics, there is a study called homonym (homonímia) and paronym (paronímia).

The first case, broadly defined, are words which are homographs (words that share the same spelling, regardless of pronunciation) or homophones (words that share the same pronunciation, regardless of spelling), or both. So, the words perfect (verb) and perfect (adjective) are examples of homographs because they have the same spelling, but the pronunciation and meaning are different. In Portuguse, the words "papa" (Pope) and "papa" (a type of baby food) have the same spelling and pronounciation, but the meanings are different. So they are also an example of homonym.

However, paronyms are words that are pronounced or written in a similar way but which have different lexical meanings. Paronyms contrast with homonyms, which are words with different meaning having the same pronunciation or spelling. The words continuous and contiguous are paronyms. That is the case of the Portuguese words "papa" (regardless of the previous meanings) and "papá" (daddy).



1) Pope
>> papa
The Pope

Note: In English, the word Pope must be written with capitalized P preceded by the definite article. However, in Portuguese, the new spelling, as a general rule, any and all posts must be written with a small letter, as in “president”, “pope”, “minister” and must be capitalized when the post is followed by a name, as in "President Obama", "Pope Bento XVI" and "Minister Shaikh Salman".

2) mush (informal) / oatmeal (AmE) / porridge (BrE)
>> (1) papa [mingau] (noun);

Note: Mush is any unpleasant thick soft substance, such as food that has been cooked for too long. In some regions, mush is known as coosh and it is prepared as a type of cornmeal pudding (or porridge) which is usually boiled in water or milk. Basically, oatmeal or porridge are considered as a type of thick soup or stew, especially thickened with barley.
3) daddy (informal English)
Synonyms: pop; pops; pa; papa
>> papá = papai (informal Portuguese) = pai.


1) My baby leans forwards for his mush
>> Meu bebê se inclina para a frente pela papa dele.
>> Meu bebê engatinha para a frente para pegar o mingau dele.

2) The baby wants (to eat) her mush
>> A bebê quer a papa dela.
>> A bebê quer papar.

3) The baby wants his daddy.
The baby wants his papa.
>> O bebê quer o papai / papá dele.

4) Grub's up! Open your mouth, little one!
>> Hora do rango! Abra a boquinha, pequenino(-a)!
5) Food's ready! Open the hangar!
>> Hora da comida! Abra o bocão!


(1) Como dizer "não ter papas na língua" em inglês?

(2) Como dizer "fazer o aviãozinho para o bebê comer?

(3) "Lambuzar-se de papinha" em inglês.


(1) SMITH, Holly. Baby's First Year: The Netmums Guide to Being a New Mum. 2009.

(2) AZEVEDO, Milton M. Portuguese - A Linguistic Introduction. University of California, Berkeley. March, 2005.

(3) Portuguese Semantics in Industry and University - SEMAPRO 2019. Porto, Portugal. 09-23-2019.

(4) Michelis Dicionário Online de Português. Papá ou papa?. Date of access: 07-11-2020.

(5) Houaiss Portuguese Online Dictionary. . Date of access: 07-11-2020.

(6) Pearson Education. Longman Dictionary. 2004.

(7) [url=]Baby only wants mom?
. SSeeping should be easy. 2020.

(8) How to make nutritious low cast pap?

(9) GAYLE, Mike. His 'n' Hers. Hodder & Stoughton. London. 2004.