Como dizer "o dever me chama" em inglês

DHST 1 3 15
Eu fiquei curioso em saber depois de ver "the duty calls me" e não concordar.
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2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Uma frase do filme da Amazon, A Royal Winter (Um Casamento Real).
  • Excuse me, duty calls. [Com licença, o dever me chama.]
Bons estudos.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I agree with Donay. "Duty calls" is the most concise way to express that.

Sorry to leave, but duty calls!
I wish I could chat longer, but duty calls.

You have an important, unavoidable job to do, said usually when you are in the middle of something pleasant (or whatever you are doing - you have to be back to work, to what to pay the bills- or to a particular task ). :-)

Another way is just saying "i have to go." but someone could think you are just leaving (without an explanation or justification). Then you
"duty calls. I'm afraid I have to go." would work in that case.