Como dizer "O exercício foi corrigido" em inglês

Gostaria de saber como dizer "o exercício foi corrigido" . Eu verifiquei que eu poderia usar os verbos "grade" e "mark", mas a tarefa não vale nota, neste caso, seria correto usar o verbo to correct?

"The exercise was corrected" ou" Exercise corrected"?

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
A homework for example would be corrected or checked (since you make check marks on them).

A teacher can also make a whole-class correction by making students ask to each other the answers, questions could be thrown in a random way. That is, if he isn´t pressed for time...
Or he/she can write the answers on the board, etc.

To the last question of yours: the exercise was corrected.