Como dizer "O juiz roubou" em inglês

"O juiz roubou contra o Japão no jogo de hoje."

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2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Não é comum mencionar o nome do juiz ou a palavra referee (juiz), nesse caso. Sendo assim, recomendo utilizar:

O juiz roubou contra o Japão no jogo de hoje. [Japan was robbed in today's game.]

Bons estudos.
Bryan Philpott 2 22 127
You wouldn't say referee or judge, but rather the colloquial shortening "ref".

"The refs screwed Japan over in today's game."

Just google "the refs screwed the" (with quotes) to see all the ways it can be used. It's very common to talk about the refs this way when they make mistakes. ... wed+the%22