Como dizer "O que foi passado na aula" em inglês

Gostaria de falar "vou copiar o que foi passado na aula", como ficaria?

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"I will take notes of what has been passed down" (Eu vou anotar o que foi passado/transmitido).

Algumas alternativas que soem mais naturais:

"I will take notes in class." (Vou anotar a aula).

"I'm taking notes after class". (Estou anotando após a aula).

Espero ter ajudado.
marceloluz 3 22
Hi Stefany!

Poderia ser: "I'm going to take note of the lesson" ou "I'm going to take note of what's in the blackboard"
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Uma opção:

Vou copiar o que foi passado na aula. [I'm going to copy what was explained in the class.]

O verbo copy é comum em relação a assuntos, matérias (topics) que são dados, passados, explicados (explained) na escola.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It could also be "I am going to copy down from his notes/copy down the content notes from his notebook". Etc. Such notes would be the content given in (the) class.

What happened? Did you call in sick because was tired of the squeaking of the chalk? Ha ha ha :-)
Alguns exemplos:

I’m going to copy my friend’s notes from class.

I’m going to copy his/her lecture notes. (Only if university/ college lecture, not school)

I’m going to take notes of the material covered in class.

I’m going to take notes during/in class. (This usually implies you are taking notes about the material covered in class, so you don’t need to say anything more).

During math class we usually just copy the teacher’s notes off the board.

The material covered in class
What was covered in class
= o que foi passado na aula.