Como dizer "o tempo virou/virada de tempo" em inglês

Olá, como dizer que o tempo virou em inglês?
Tem algo além de "changed"?

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4 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
There was a change in the weather.
There was a change in the weather conditions.

A sudden change in the weather — either way [1] — might easily waste a week's food supply.

[1] Either way, -a drop or rise of temperature.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Se for tempo (momento, época):

Things aren't like what they used to be.

Times have changed.
Things have changed.

Youglish - UK: "...cameras and all this sort of thing because times have changed."

That's it!
Sugiro a frase:
Weather has took a turn.
Se o tempo ficou nublado/chuvoso/frio de repente:
Weather has took a turn for the worse.
Leonardo96 19 293

Has taken*. "Took" só em simple past.