Como dizer "Parto normal e Cesariana" em inglês
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Aprenda a dizer parto normal, cesariana ou cesárea em inglês com pronúncia e frases traduzidas. Amplie seu vocabulário no idioma.
Natural birth
Normal delivery
Exemplos de uso:
Natural birth
Normal delivery
Exemplos de uso:
- Mary decided to have a natural birth. [Mary decidiu ter parto normal.]
- Anna had a C-section. [A Anna fez cesariana.]
- Will you have a normal delivery or a Caesarean? [Você vai ter parto normal ou cesariana?]
- She had a natural birth for her eldest children Oscar and Billie, and had a C-section for her twin boys Tom and Darcy last year. [Ela fez parto normal quando teve os filhos mais velhos, Oscar e Billie, e teve cesárea ao dar à luz aos dois filhos gêmeos, Tom e Darcy, no ano passado.]
9 respostas
Muito comum também ouvir "C-section" para cesariana. Regards
Thanks a lot, Donay and Henry! I have been looking for about it after I had the news that my wife is pregnant. By the way she is on Thirth trimester or week 28 or 7th month.
If someone is interested in this kind of subject too, take a look in this link: pregnancyguideonline
There's a plenty of information you have to know to wait for your baby.
If someone is interested in this kind of subject too, take a look in this link: pregnancyguideonline
There's a plenty of information you have to know to wait for your baby.
Hi Danilo,
My wife is also pregnant and, what a coincidence, also on week 28. Isn't it great?
Good luck!
My wife is also pregnant and, what a coincidence, also on week 28. Isn't it great?
Good luck!
Alessandro, congratulations!
My baby is a girl. My wife and I have chose her name, it's Maria Clara. Have you ever known if it's a he or a she?
My baby is a girl. My wife and I have chose her name, it's Maria Clara. Have you ever known if it's a he or a she?
It's a boy.
Congrats you too buddy!
Congrats you too buddy!
Estava aqui traduzindo um texto médico (jap>port), quando me deparei com uma palavra que não usava há anos: Parto Cesariano = 帝王切開, que ao pé da letra significa "incisão do Imperador".
Fiquei encucado com o que é que isto tem a ver com nossa "cesariana" e o do inglês também, mas pesquisando um pouco melhor:
Some link with the Roman dictator Julius Caesar or with Roman Emperors generally, exists in other languages as well. For example, the modern German, Danish, Dutch and Hungarian terms are respectively Kaiserschnitt, kejsersnit, keizersnede, and császármetszés (literally: "Emperor's cut").
The German term has also been imported into Japanese (帝王切開) and Korean (제왕 절개), both literally meaning "emperor incision."
The South Slavic term literally means "tzar cut".
The Russian term kesarevo secheniye (кесарево сечение) literally means Caesar's section.
The Arabic term (القيصرية) also means pertaining to Caesar or literally Caesarean.
The Hebrew term ניתוח קיסרי translates literally as Caesarean Surgery.
In Romania and Portugal it is usually called cesariana, meaning from (or related to) Caesar.
According to Shahnameh ancient Persian book, the hero Rostam was the first person who was born with this method and term (Rostamineh) (رستمينه) is corresponded to Caesarean.
Estava aqui traduzindo um texto médico (jap>port), quando me deparei com uma palavra que não usava há anos: Parto Cesariano = 帝王切開, que ao pé da letra significa "incisão do Imperador".
Fiquei encucado com o que é que isto tem a ver com nossa "cesariana" e o do inglês também, mas pesquisando um pouco melhor:
Some link with the Roman dictator Julius Caesar or with Roman Emperors generally, exists in other languages as well. For example, the modern German, Danish, Dutch and Hungarian terms are respectively Kaiserschnitt, kejsersnit, keizersnede, and császármetszés (literally: "Emperor's cut").
The German term has also been imported into Japanese (帝王切開) and Korean (제왕 절개), both literally meaning "emperor incision."
The South Slavic term literally means "tzar cut".
The Russian term kesarevo secheniye (кесарево сечение) literally means Caesar's section.
The Arabic term (القيصرية) also means pertaining to Caesar or literally Caesarean.
The Hebrew term ניתוח קיסרי translates literally as Caesarean Surgery.
In Romania and Portugal it is usually called cesariana, meaning from (or related to) Caesar.
According to Shahnameh ancient Persian book, the hero Rostam was the first person who was born with this method and term (Rostamineh) (رستمينه) is corresponded to Caesarean.
Para acrescentar ao tópico aí, vai um termo relacionado.
Parto prematuro [ premature birth ]
Parto prematuro [ premature birth ]
Como eu digo em inglês: No Brasil 80% dos partos em hospitais são cesáreas e somente 20% são partos normais.
- No Brasil 80% dos partos em hospitais são cesáreas e somente 20% são partos normais. [In Brazil 80% of all births in hospitals are Caesareans, and only 20% are natural (births).]
Bons estudos.
- No Brasil 80% dos partos em hospitais são cesáreas e somente 20% são partos normais. [In Brazil 80% of all births in hospitals are Caesareans, and only 20% are natural (births).]
Bons estudos.