Como dizer "Passar a noite na casa de alguém" em inglês

Daniel.S 1 2 11
Para "dormir na casa de alguém" podemos optar por:

sleep over someone's house

Ex: Mom, can I sleep over with Tony?

Ex: Can I sleep over at Tony's house?

Para "passar a noite na casa de alguém" podemos optar por:

crash with someone (escuto com bastante frequência)

Ex: I don't need a hotel room. I can crash with Tom.

Ex: There is no room for you to crash with me.

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3 respostas
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Thomas 7 62 297
Pondedaniel, all your examples are good.

"To crash" is slang used mostly by young adults. It suggests a very informal arrangement, often a solution to an emergency. It can also be used to mean simply "to sleep" or "to go to bed". (I have to work early tomorrow. I had better crash.)
Bill is drunk, his money has been stolen, and he has no place to spend the night. He asks if he can sleep on your couch. That is "crashing".

"To sleep over" is often a planned event, especially with adolescents. There may be several friends "sleeping over", listening to music, watching TV, eating popcorn, playing video games, etc. Note that I say "often", not "always". If it is going to be a night of fun and games, often you will hear the term used as a noun: "a sleep over".
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
“Listen, do you mind if I crash on your couch for a night or two?”

It's late, why don't you stay over? - Está tarde, porquê você não fica por aqui hoje?
When you stay over a friend's house, you always forget something :|
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
A opção "spend the night at somebody's house" também é comum.

Exemplos de uso (com áudio no final do post):
  • "I was going to spend the night at my friend's house," he says. ( - USA)
  • "Eu ia passar a noite na casa do meu amigo," ele diz.
  • As the girls prepared to leave, Kacie asked if she could spend the night at Sam's house. ( - USA)
  • Enquanto as meninas se preparavam para sair, Kacie perguntou se ela podia passar a noite na casa do Sam.
Bons estudos.