Como dizer "Pegar mamata; pegar moleza" em inglês

Essa expressão significa pegar algo,adversário muito fáceis uma verdadeira molezinha.

O Brasil pegou uma mamata/boiada/moleza no seu grupo da copa do mundo os 3 times são muito fáceis.
Eu amo meu novo emprego eu pego muito mamata/boiada/moleza lá.
A vida dessa cara é uma mamata/boiada/moleza.

Para essas expressões eu poderia usar piece of cake?
Eu acho que piece of cake não soa legal.

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2 respostas
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Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Brazil have got an easy work through their World Cup group./ Brazil will breeze to victory considering the three teams they will face in their group/ The three teams in Brazil's World Cup group are a child's play.

I love my new job. It's a real racket.

This guy's life is a walk in the park.

As expressões "child's play" e "walk in the park" podem ser substituídas por "duck soup", "cakewalk", "walkover", "piece of cake", "breeze", "cinch."
Bill Sikes 1 1 18
Complementando o post do Simon (eu estava escrevendo ao mesmo tempo que ele =)): segundo um americano do Wordreference,
a piece of cake means that something is easy, not that it's insignificant. "Was the test hard?" "Naah ... (it was a) piece of cake."


How do you do that?' 'It's a piece of cake! Watch!'
Sir Terry Wogan slams 'self-important' newsreaders whose job is a 'piece of cake'. (
Silvana’s new life is a piece of cake. (
The new software installation was a piece of cake, no problems! (Wordreference)

Outras expressões para designar uma “mamata”: breeze, cinch e doodle, sendo esse último termo típico do inglês britânico:

It was a breeze. (Oxford)
Going down the hill will be a breeze after the long climb up! (Oxford)
The first question is a cinch. (Oxford)
‘How was the exam?' 'Oh, it was a cinch!' (Longman)
The program is a cinch to install. (Longman)
The first year of the course was an absolute doddle. (Oxford)
The machine is a doddle to set up and use. (Oxford)

Você também pode dizer que something is child’s play:

I've cooked for 200 people before now. So, tonight is child's play by comparison. (Longman)
Skiing is child’s play in Austria. (
When a man’s job is child’s play. (
