Como dizer "Pelas costas" em inglês

Olá , não sei se ja falaram sobre isso ,
acredito que não ;

Como digo "pelas costas" ?

* Sei q vc anda falando de mim pelas costas .
* Admite , sei que vc torce pelo meu time pelas costas .

Obrigada . :D

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8 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
1. Behind someone's back
2. In secret
  • I know you've been talking about me behind my back. [Sei que você anda falando de mim pelas costas.]
  • You're rooting for my team in secret. [Você torce para o meu time pelas costas.]
Bons estudos.
Daniel.S 1 2 11
How are you Danielle Benjmaim?

there's a very interesting idiom which is

stab on one's back

check this out:

I know he's the type of person who seems to be friendly and honest but as a matter of fact he stabs you on your back

You know you can't trust him once he's always stabbing you on your back

Are you the kind of person who stabs people on their backs?

Take care,

Teacher Pondé
timphillips 11
Hi Pondedaniel,

You can also say
to stab somebody IN the back

Tim :D
E também: back-stabber
e.g. I can't believe you trust him. He is a back-stabber.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi there,

He enjoys bad-mouthing people!

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Adriano Japan 1 2 21
to hit you from behind - te apunhalar pelas costas

“I respect the Japanese and especially like their execution and communication styles,” he said. “Unlike the Koreans, they will not hit you from behind.”
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
to back stab (someone)

He will pretend be your friend, and use the attraction that Japanese women have to foreign men, in order for him to get dates. This type will also back stab the foreign guy if his night is not going well and he sees the gaijin doing well with a Japanese woman.
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
timphillips escreveu:Hi Pondedaniel,

You can also say
to stab somebody IN the back

Tim :D