Como dizer "Péssima mania" em inglês

Como se fala péssima mania em inglês?

A. Eu tenho a péssima mania de esquecer nomes.
B. Ela tem a péssima mania de roer as unhas.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Falantes nativos usam a seguinte opção:

Péssima mania: bad habit

A. Eu tenho a péssima mania de esquecer nomes. [I have the bad habit of forgetting names.]
B. Ela tem a péssima mania de roer as unhas. [She has the bad habit of biting her nails.]

Bons estudos.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I have the annoying/irritating mania of biting my nails.

Of course, 'bad' is the first word that springs to mind, these ones can be a description someone could be giving to a doctor, for instance.) Sometimes it is a symptom of anxiety, etc. Anyway, it's a case-by-case thing. Could be a phase, like people that like twirling their hair just for the kicks.

Whereas to the "hábito de esquecer nomes" really exists, I mean the expression equivalent in English -in metaphorical ways, if we think of it, because sometimes we can use the word "I am forgetful" or I keep forgetting names/I am not good at recalling names, etc.

Of course, there is the "habit" of committing to do things, for instance, and then forgetting. This would be a real bad habit of forgetting! Ha ha. :-)

Language is tricky, sometimes, in Portuguese we say "eu sou esquecido." when we should say "eu sou esquecedor (das coisas). We understand just the same, not everybody is a grammarian, anyway many would correct us on the spot.