Como dizer "Pessoa plasta" em inglês

Como digo pessoa plasta em inglês?
Tipo: "Eu sou muito plasta". Pessoa que não faz nada direito ou tem dificuldade de fazer algo. Meio lerda.

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6 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Did you mean "uma planta"? A shallow, lifeless people? One that takes advantages and good will of another? (or from the group), a deadweight?

Ah, okay it´s a word used in RS state...meaning inútil, sem préstimo; (good for nothing/shirker, etc), lerdo... (sleepyheaded or apathetic, indifferent, lifeless...).

Speaking of 'slangy', "lerdo" meaning "dimwit/blockhead" could be - for instance - be stated "I am the dullest knife in the drawer" or "I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer" (here I am using your initial sentence).

Plasta - as per Dic. Aulete definition.
It´s curious that some meanings of "plasta" and "planta" intersect in sense.
Plus, I must warn that "planta" is taken in its slangy meaning, so it won´t be easily found in dictionaries or is it? :-)

Thank you Svetlova, I learned one more word of my language! :-)
I learned one more word of my language! :-)

Hahahaha. I loved it.
Thanks a lot. That's exactly what I was trying to say. You got it!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Languages are such an amazing thing. We learn something new when we least expect. Case in point.
I am glad that you like it and it and my answer was of help to you. :-)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Uma recomendação: clumsy
  • I'm very clumsy. [Eu sou muito plasta.]
  • I'm so clumsy. [Eu sou muito plasta.]
  • I'm really clumsy. [Eu sou muito plasta.]
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Congrats. Great job! ;-)