Como dizer "Por alguma razão (motivo)" em inglês

Tenho uma frase: Por algum motivo não consigo alterar mesmo tendo acesso de editor
Gostaria de saber se temos uma única palavra para a expressão "For some reason", also similar a somehow, somewhat.

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2 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Não vejo variante outra que não "Somehow".

Pensei em "For some unbeknownst reason", mas esta me parece uma versão mais longa.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Well, could be "for some unknown reason"/"for some strange reason
(leaving it still more wordy, but it´s natural, you do find people using that.)

Somehow is the one-word in more formal writing, "someway" would be in colloquial way. Somehow meaning that one managed to do something (sometimes with a ring of "inexplicably", that he/she could do it anyway.

And there´s (with a hit of "sabe-se lá porquê...)
''I don´t know why"/"it´s not clear why."

Others ways to say that would be "misteriously"/"only God knows why"/"inexplicably"/"who knows why'' etc.

And "somehow" with the meaning of "unbelievebly": He somehow ran and jumped three walls when the lion wanted him for lunch!


So, in the sense of "for some reason" you meant, certainly is (in English) like the Portuguese word "ave", the far you get is to say "bípede emplumado". Or you may end up beating around the bush with something like "bípede vertebrado emplumado ovíparo endotérmico e possuidor de bico córneo e ossos pneumáticos" :lol:

For some reason it´s "somehow' (someway) then. Most of the times.
With other slight different sense depending on context, as you see from the above examples.