Como dizer “Preço muito salgado” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Ex.: O preço do açúcar está muito salgado, não dá pra comprar.

Se eu disser: The sugar price is “soaring”. Está correto?

Dá a impressão que eu escrevi: O preço do açúcar está subindo.

(preço) Salgado = Muito caro, preço exorbitante, preço que está pela hora da morte.


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11 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Sugar is very expensive now.
The price of sugar is too high

''Mr Cameron last night admitted that the price of petrol is too high and is hurting economic recovery.'' -

Se eu disser: The sugar price is “soaring”. Está correto?

Dá a impressão que eu escrevi: O preço do açúcar está subindo.
Sim, está correto. Sim, subindo "muito".

''The price of food is soaring and it was really a voice for the people and in the end there were protests and riots in supermarkets...'' -
Telma Regina 9 65 608
The price of sugar is very dear lately.
We've been paying a very dear price for the sugar.
Jerry Dorien 4 48
Steep (salgado)

The price is a bit steep
It is good but the price is steep for what is offered

Ref. Oxford
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
The price (has) skyrocketed.
Simon Vasconcelos 11 224
The price of sugar is pricy.
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DHST 1 3 15
Exemplo do Facebook que vi agora mesmo, e cá estou:

''Added up everything is $520 USD. Pricey, but worth it for free running if you ask me.''

(Pricey: outra forma de se escrever pricy, como sugerido pelo Simon.)

Vim aqui porque ao ler ''pricey'' a primeira coisa que veio à minha mente foi ''salgado'', como em ''preço salgado''.
Hi all, I've just seen this post. A good translation of salgado in the phrase "preço salgado" is "eye-watering". "Pricey" means "rather expensive" or "quite expensive", but "eye-wateringly expensive" means very expensive indeed.
Hi guys!!
It could be: The sugar price is too expensive!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I got myself surprised with "pricy" (another spelling for "pricey"), it´s curious indeed!
Languages are a curious thing, we could normally state (in Portuguese) that "o preço do açúcar tá salgado." (the sugar price is high/expensive.)... But we don´t say (comparatively) that "o preço do sal é doce". :-)
I mean, the price of the salt is low (Walmart out there would say "fair and economical") can´t be expressed by saying "o preço do sal é doce". No no! Don´t ever say that in Brazil, you would be laughed out all the way to the salt mines and saltworks...
Hi PPaulo, but in English, I think I heard people saying: "they got a sweet deal"... Maybe if you buy 2 packs of sugar for a price of one, that would be such a sweet deal, pun intended. Cheers!
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
A sweet deal is a deal (financial/businnes deal) in which you get and advantage, usually not used to consumer staples, food or lower-value items.

But yes, if we find a popular car for less than R$ 12,000.00 it would be a "sweet deal" (barato) - or a hybrid car for R$ 120,000.00 other consumers would think.

I loved your sugary joke! Ha ha ha!