Como dizer "Presente de Amigo Secreto" em inglês

Como dizer "Presente de Amigo Secreto" em inglês
  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Português: presente de amigo secreto
Inglês: Secret Santa gift, Secret Santa present

  1. Secret Santa gifts: What to get the coworker you hardly know. []
  2. The Mash Guide to Buying a Secret Santa Present. 23-11-12. It's Secret Santa time at the office, as if things weren't already bad enough.
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Definition for Secret Santa:
1.secret Santa is a Western Christmas tradition in which members of a group or community are randomly assigned a person to whom they anonymously give a gift. Often practiced in workplaces or amongst large families, participation in it is usually voluntary. It offers a way for many people to give and receive a gift at low cost, since the alternative gift tradition is for each person to buy gifts for every other person. In this way, the Secret Santa tradition also encourages gift exchange groups whose members are not close enough to participate in the alternative tradition of giving presents to everyone else.

Phrases using Secret Santa:
1.Do others have some elaborate secret santa-style arrangement for attributing cake-baking responsibility?

2.We are actually packing up a ton of free gifts to send out to all the ents who did not get a gift from their secret santa.