Como dizer "Prova cabal, prova incontestável" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
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Português: incontestável, cabal
Inglês: indisputable, undeniable

  1. The evidence was indisputable. [As provas eram incontestáveis.]
  2. The State never presented any undeniable evidence against this young man. [O Estado nunca apresentou nenhuma prova cabal contra este jovem.]
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4 respostas
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Zumstein 1 31 435
A smoking gun = Prova cabal

- A smoking gun is a definitive proof of someone's guilt.

The term "smoking gun" was originally, and is still primarily, a reference to an object or fact that serves as conclusive evidence of a crime or similar act. (Wikipedia)
zumstein escreveu:A smoking gun = Prova cabal

- A smoking gun is a definitive proof of someone's guilt.

The term "smoking gun" was originally, and is still primarily, a reference to an object or fact that serves as conclusive evidence of a crime or similar act. (Wikipedia)
fabuloso. sempre julguei tratar-se de um sinónimo para "to be caught red-handed"
Thomas 7 62 297

The proof of the pudding
The ultimate test
Breckenfeld 3 15 131
My suggestion:

Compelling evidence.
