Como dizer "pular a catraca (não pagar a passagem)" em inglês

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Sabemos muito bem o número de pessoas que insistem em pular a catraca no ônibus, no metrô e por aí vai com o intento de não pagar pelo transporte público.

Existe uma expressão que é fare-beat que significa justamente este ato, o de burlar a lei com a intenção de não pagar pelo transporte.

Para a pessoa que pratica o ato ilegal chamamos o indivíduo de fare-beater.

Ex: When the officers searched the fare-beater, they found a loaded 9MM caliber semi-automatic handgun in his waistband.

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Catraca em inglês: turnstile
Pular a catraca em inglês - sentido literal: jump the turnstile, go over the turnstile
Passar por baixo da catraca em inglês: go under the turnstile

Trecho retirado do 'New York Times'

Frustrated, some went over or under the turnstiles. Mr. Boyd was one of those who went over. He landed in the arms of waiting police officers, one of whom wrote a summons carrying a $60 fine. Nearby, Mr. Boyd said, some of his fellow jumpers were also being ticketed. It seemed "like a sting operation" to his wife, Sabrina, who was on hand. "Fare evasion, " the summons said. The officer wrote that he had seen Mr. Boyd "jump over the turnstile to avoid paying fare." The flaw here is that Mr. Boyd did pay his fare -- in advance. He says he even proved it to the officer by running his card through a scanner at the station. "I've never gotten on a train without paying the fare, " he said. The position of New York City Transit is that turnstile jumping, by definition, is fare evasion; if something goes wrong, you should appeal to the fare booth clerk. That definition may have made absolute sense with the old subway token. Clearly, if you jumped the turnstile, you did not pay. But with prepaid MetroCards, and inevitable computer malfunctions, might new definitions be in order? "If they charged him with turnstile jumping, that's one thing, " Mrs. Boyd said. "But they charged him with fare evasion, and he didn't do that."

Trecho retirado do ''

"How else do you interpret someone that specifically directs someone to go under a turnstile without paying the fare?"
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Olá Daniel!

Segura essa.

1 – Cabrito – ficar na parte da frente do ônibus sem passar pela catraca.
2 – Cabrito – Veículo (principalmente a cabine) montado com peças frutos de desmanche.

Tá uma luta aqui em Campinas. (item 1)
Cross over The turnstyles