Como dizer “Puro ou com gelo?” em inglês

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Zumstein 1 31 435
Neat or on the rocks?

Neat means - the scotch served without anything else.
On the Rocks means - the scotch served with ice.
- Will you drink it neat, or on the rocks?
- Você vai beber puro, ou com gelo?
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2 respostas
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Isso serve para qualquer tipo de comida ou bebida?
-Gosto de comer castanha pura ou misturada com frutas
-Suco de uva puro ou com água?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
"On the rocks" is generally used to refer to cocktail drinks. Saying that with non-alcoholic drinks, it's unusual, to my thinking.

To water, juice, etc you could offer the water and then ask "do you want it/do you want your juice with ice or not?" or "do you drink it with ice or not?"