Como dizer "qual sua idade?, quantos anos tem?" em inglês

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Português: qual a sua idade? Quantos anos você tem?
Inglês: how old are you?, what's your age?

  1. You might use "What's your age?" if, for example, you are asking a string of questions to fill in an application. [What's your name, what's your age? What's you date of birth?] but "How old are you?" sounds more polite in normal conversation
  2. What's your age is fine, but how old are you? is more common.
  3. How old are you? I'm 37 years old.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
10 respostas
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Eu estou curiosa, por que os americanos alem de dizer a idade colocam números cardinais?

Exemplo que um menino respondeu no YT ele escreveu que a mãe dele não deu dinheiro para o crack mas deu para maconha e acrescentou a idade dele assim: "I'm 8 th9!"

Texto todo:

"Can I buy some weed my mom said I was to young for her crack she said I could buy weed, I'm 8 th9"
Daniel Reis 2 16
Olá pessoal,

Tava ouvindo um podcast hoje e ouvi algo bastante estranho.

No caso uma menina estava fazendo uma pergunta para outra pessoa no palco, e a pergunta era uma pergunta muito inteligente para uma menina de 12 anos que todo mundo ficou de queixo caido, e então o apresentador do nada perguntou para a menina:

Wait, wait, how old are you girl ?
E ela disse: I'm twelve
E ele então disse ''How much'' ? (ele pasmado, não achava que ela tinha 12 anos)
Ela: Twelve.

O certo não seria ''how many'' nesse contexto ?

PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
No, Daniel. Donay got it right, that´s "how old are you?"

And that answer could be "twelve" (informal), but being a shortening for "I am twelve'' or still better "I am twelve years old."
Brazilians incur in this particular mistake all the time, because we think in terms of "numbers" in Portuguese (eu tenho doze...)
Whereas in English, the reasoning (focus - if you wish) is all about time, "I am...old".

Even babies are X months old: ... odie-baby/
Her daughter Ryan Ava Erhard is only 4 months old, but Haylie Duff has already achieved an important parenting milestone.

Sometimes you can find "she is/was 27 years of age" (not everyday, more commom to see "she is aged 27 or 27 y.o.) but it´s not wrong.
To say that someone has...age is a no no in English!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Another misleading reasoning is that you may think that "idade" is translated into "age", so plain translation.
The question "how old are you?" is an idiomatic expression, so it doesn´t need the word "age" in it, this have been such a trap (casca de banana) to many of us, believe me!
But then, when you start accepting English as it is, you just get used to the expressions, you see that it doesn´t have to match exactly word-for-word with Portuguese.
Good studies!
Daniel Reis 2 16
Olá pessoal,

PPaulo, acho que você não me entendeu muito bem o que eu quis dizer.

Tipo, a duvida não é referente a estrutura ''how old are you'' mas sim a resposta dada a ela, que no casa era '' How much''. Agora, considerando que ''12 anos'' não é singular, então porque o apresentador a perguntou ''how much'' ao invés de ''how many'' ?

Então agora não sei se ''how much'' é apenas uma resposta curta ou se deveriamos dizer ''how many'' no sentido de ''how many years...?, ou até mesmo ''how old?''

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Ah, now I got you! and yes it´s an oddity indeed. The expected would be hold old?
Even how much wouldn´t be much natural, but in informal ways (say -in an interview outdoors) it could be "acceptable".
Anyway, sometimes even people that live in English-speaking countries don´t necessarily use standard English, just like people in Brazil that says ''me dá três pão aí" or something like that.
It happens! and you have to be prepared/expect to hear things like that, every once in awhile.

The Speak Up magazine uses the abbreviation (sic) in such cases, meaning that what was said by the speaker was a mistake (or apparent a mistake) was from the speaker, the person interviewed.
Daniel Reis 2 16

Isso mesmo PPaulo, foi o que eu pensei, mas usando o ''Inglês bom'', como poderiamos reformular aquele diálogo ?

A: Wait, wait, how old are you girl ?
B: I'm twelve years old.
A: 1 - ''How much'' ? 2- How many(years)? 3- How old are you again ?
B: I'm twelve years old.

Qual dessas estruturas é mais recomendada?

Valeu pela ajuda!
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Wait, wait, how old are you girl ?
E ela disse: I'm twelve
E ele então disse "what?'' (ele pasmado, não achava que ela tinha 12 anos)
Ela: Twelve.
No lugar de "how much", "how many" e "how old are you again?", sugiro "what?". Confira definição e exemplos com "what?" para este caso:

What: often used to show surprise about the thing that someone has just said

“And then I said that he could go to hell.” “You said what?!”
She did what?!
What? I don't believe it. You must be joking!

Bons estudos.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Also using "what", I think the sentence "What? You said twelve?" would do. But it´s my educated guess.

While at the surprise department, one could feign a "I don´t believe it!" reaction and say "No! You gotta be kidding!"
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Jnax, the sentence to me wasn´t enough to make me conclude that the "I'm 8 th9" is about age, may or may not be. Could you elaborate more? by the way would YT stand for You Tube?
That´s more, I wonder if you didn´t mean ordinal numbers, instead of cardinals?