Como dizer "quando estiver mais perto" em inglês

Gostaria de saber como se diz, por exemplo, "vou ligar para eles quando estiver mais perto do dia para confirmar o local." no sentido de quando a data estiver proxima.

Thanks in advance

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5 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
My stab at it, but let´s wait fine tuning by our advanced and natives participants, of the Forum here.

I am going to call you when the time arrives./
X days before the time arrives./
I am going to call X minutes before the appointment schedule./
I am going to call you ahead of the time.
I am going to call you when the date arrives/X days before date arrives/when the date arrives we will call you/ring you/we´ll give you a ring etc.
Juliana Rios 24 105 397
Adding on:

"I'll call them closer to the confirmation date".
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Ah, the second part of your question!

and confirm the venue/the place/jurisdiction etc.

...when we have a confirmation where is the place etc.
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Complementando. Usamos termos semelhantes para falar da aproximação física ou temporal:

se aproximar = to draw near to/come close to
se aproximar mais = to draw nearer to/closer to (forma comparativa)

Ele se aproximou dela. = He /drew near to/came near (to)/came close to/ her.
Ele se aproximou mais a ela. = He /drew nearer to/came nearer (to)/came closer to/ her.

estar perto = to be close/near
estar mais perto = to be closer/nearer

Iremos quando estiver perto do meio-dia. = We will go when it is near midday/close to noon.
Iremos quando estiver mais perto do meio-dia. = We will go when it is nearer to midday / closer to midday.

O superlativo (nearest, closest) funciona da mesma maneira para certos casos, lembrando de acrescentar o artigo 'the':

He came the closest to her.
This is the nearest we can come to the edge of the precipice.
The nearest you can come to twelve noon, the better. (quanto o mais perto do meio-dia)
Take a stab at it.(have/make a stab at something)
Idiom informal
To attempt to do something although you are not likely to be very successful:
I'd never tried snorkelling before but I had a stab at it while I was in Greece.
Ref. dictionary.cambridge