Como dizer "Quando vivos acharam a mesma graça" em inglês

Please let me know what does "graça" mean in this poetry. Would you please you translate this poetry to understand other sentence also?

Os mortos

Os mortos vêem o mundo
Pelos olhos dos vivos

Eventualmente ouvem,
Com nossos ouvidos,
Certas sinfonias
Algum bater de portas,

De corpo e alma
Misturam o seu ao nosso riso
Se de fato
Quando vivos
Acharam a mesma graça.

Ferreira Gullar

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5 respostas
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Andrezzatkm 2 8 111
"achar graça" means think something is funny
Andrezzatkm escreveu:"achar graça" means think something is funny
Tranlate this please: "Quando vivos Acharam a mesma graça."
Andrezzatkm 2 8 111
Quando (eles estavam vivos) Acharam a mesma graça

When they were alive, they used to laugh at the same thing.

When they were alive, they used to find the same things funny.
Andrezzatkm escreveu:Quando (eles estavam vivos) Acharam a mesma graça

When they were alive, they used to laugh at the same thing.

When they were alive, they used to find the same things funny.
Would you please translate all the poetry?
Andrezzatkm 2 8 111
Os mortos vêem o mundo/ Pelos olhos dos vivos
The deads see the world/ through the eyes of the livings

Eventualmente ouvem,/Com nossos ouvidos,
Sometimes they hear / with our ears

Certas sinfonias/ Algum bater de portas,/ Ventanias
Some symphonies/ some door knocking/ windstorm

Ausentes/ De corpo e alma
Absent/ from their body and soul

Misturam o seu ao nosso riso
Mingle their laughter to ours

Se de fato/ Quando vivos
If in fact/ then they were alive

Acharam a mesma graça.
They used to laugh at the same thing.