Como dizer "Que jogo legal, aquele de ontem" em inglês

Estava socializando com meus amigos do exterior nas redes sociais, aí pensei em dizer "What a nice game... that one...", mas desisti porque não sabia como terminar a frase. Como poderia eu dizer "Que jogo legal, aquele de ontem" em inglês? Obrigado, de nada

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4 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
We had a great game yesterday, don´t you think?
We had a great game yesterday, I think.
What a pretty good game, that of yesterday!

It may have other ways...let´s wait for them.
I was thinking of something like that third option: "What a pretty good game, that of yesterday!" Thanks!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yep, there several ways to skin a cat, and that you brought up could be one!

Still other way:
We played an awesome game yesterday./It was such an awesome game yesterday, huh?
Serginho 1 3
What a great game yesterday!