Como dizer "Queda - Em jogo de baralho, bolinha de gude" em inglês

1 31 435
Determinado número de partidas em alguns jogos de carta. (Aulete)
Possivelmente: Match
Certain number of matches in some card games.

Mas eu continuo pesquisando.

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6 49 1.3k
I didn't found it on Aulete, but on Michaelis.
I must admit I never have heard of "queda" related to card games, but then I am not such a game (or board) player. I wonder in what region the word is used...

Anyway, by from the contexts I have found I think fat chances it could be "run" :
Each Arena run features a potential of 14 matches for each player, with runs ending upon reaching 3 losses or 12 wins. In the ideal scenario, players either win or lose each match, dividing players between one of two possible paths for each match. Ref. hearthstone.gamepedia
Not to be confused with/mistaken for "run" - (série) series of cards, a sequence of the same suits (sequência de cartas do mesmo naipe).
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
23 127 1.7k
Uma outra opção:

  • Draga has an angelic soul and I hope she gets to meet my Grandfather in heaven for another round of poker!
  • Time for another round of poker.
  • OK, going to the casino for another round of poker cheating!
That's it for now!