Como dizer "Quem luta, não briga" em inglês
Bom eu insisto nesse tópico,eu tento traduzir essa expressão mas não consigo achar uma maneira natural ,já que briga e luta em inglês são "fight" ,no português todo mundo sabe a diferença entre "briga" e "luta".
Bem,eu pratiquei jiu-jitsu e meu professor sempre dizia "luta" é diferente de "briga",na luta há regras na briga há uma luta corporal sem regras.
Ex: Quem luta jiu-jitsu não briga na rua com ninguém.
Existe diferença entre lutar e brigar.
Bem,eu pratiquei jiu-jitsu e meu professor sempre dizia "luta" é diferente de "briga",na luta há regras na briga há uma luta corporal sem regras.
Ex: Quem luta jiu-jitsu não briga na rua com ninguém.
Existe diferença entre lutar e brigar.
8 respostas
Se "quem luta, não briga" estiver sendo usado no sentido de "lutar por algo de forma justa, nobre, sem enganar ou passar por cima do outro", então, minha sugestão é "fight the good fight".
Do Thefreedictionary:
= noble and well-intentioned battle.
"Quem luta jiu-jitsu não briga na rua com ninguém."
"Those who know Jiu-Jitsu fight the good fight."
"I know Jiu-Jitsu and I fight the good fight."
Se "quem luta, não briga" estiver sendo usado no sentido de "lutar por algo de forma justa, nobre, sem enganar ou passar por cima do outro", então, minha sugestão é "fight the good fight".
Do Thefreedictionary:
= noble and well-intentioned battle.
"Quem luta jiu-jitsu não briga na rua com ninguém."
"Those who know Jiu-Jitsu fight the good fight."
"I know Jiu-Jitsu and I fight the good fight."
Olá vitor bordin,
Minha sugestão é a seguinte, tentar achar uma palavra mais próxima de "LUTA" no cotexto, e utilizar a palavra "FIGHT" para expressar "BRIGA" de fato.
Who practice jiu-jitsu does not fight.
OBS: Não que "PRATICAR" seja sinônimo de "LUTA", mas é o que chega mais perto do seu contexto, visto que Jiu-jitsu é uma arte marcial e os lutadores a praticam (lutam), e não brigam.
Minha sugestão é a seguinte, tentar achar uma palavra mais próxima de "LUTA" no cotexto, e utilizar a palavra "FIGHT" para expressar "BRIGA" de fato.
Who practice jiu-jitsu does not fight.
OBS: Não que "PRATICAR" seja sinônimo de "LUTA", mas é o que chega mais perto do seu contexto, visto que Jiu-jitsu é uma arte marcial e os lutadores a praticam (lutam), e não brigam.
Eu pensei em traduzir assim o que vocês acham?
Who fights doesn't look for a street fight.
Who fights doesn't get into a street fight.
Who fights a martial art doesn't get into an altercation on the street.
Who does a martial art does not go out to look for a bar/party/street fight.
Who fights doesn't look for a street fight.
Who fights doesn't get into a street fight.
Who fights a martial art doesn't get into an altercation on the street.
Who does a martial art does not go out to look for a bar/party/street fight.
I found this guy´s thoughts and tinkered the sentence, perhaps it´s the closest to what the learner was thinking when he made his question:
The point of doing a martial art (JJ, for example) is to help you to avoid a fight, not win a brawl on the street.
One other sentence that could come in handy:
Although martial arts has become associated with fighting, most practitioners will think of it as a confidence booster. Because by training, they will develop (self-defense) skills and their chances are going to be better. (or even way better).
The point of doing a martial art (JJ, for example) is to help you to avoid a fight, not win a brawl on the street.
One other sentence that could come in handy:
Although martial arts has become associated with fighting, most practitioners will think of it as a confidence booster. Because by training, they will develop (self-defense) skills and their chances are going to be better. (or even way better).
"... Not win a brawl on the street." could be also be changed into "...not to use in a streetfight."
Bom mas eu seria compreendido com minhas sentenças?
Outro exemplo meu:
Who does jiu jitsu does not need to get into trouble on the street,night club or anywhere.
Outro exemplo meu:
Who does jiu jitsu does not need to get into trouble on the street,night club or anywhere.
3 Reasons Why REAL Martial Artists DON’T Fight ... ont-fight/ ... ont-fight/
I agree with NeyF, "martial artists don´t fight", with this wording it may or may not express that they will use their skills, for instance, only at the fighting gym.
The same goes to your sentences Vitor, they would be understood (on some given contexts).
One other way that could be accurate (but then again, it depends on the context) would be: "martial artists, doesn´t just go out there to pick fights.", with emphasis on the fact that they don´t get around purposely/intentionally to start fights.
Thus, they might use their skills only in case they are in a tournament or if they attacked first and have to guarantee their own physical integrity or that of others. So they may use, though sometimes unwillingly.
The same goes to your sentences Vitor, they would be understood (on some given contexts).
One other way that could be accurate (but then again, it depends on the context) would be: "martial artists, doesn´t just go out there to pick fights.", with emphasis on the fact that they don´t get around purposely/intentionally to start fights.
Thus, they might use their skills only in case they are in a tournament or if they attacked first and have to guarantee their own physical integrity or that of others. So they may use, though sometimes unwillingly.