Como dizer "Regime de comunhão/separação de bens" em inglês

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Português: regime de comunhão de bens, regime de comunhão universal de bens, regime de comunhão parcial de bens, regime de separação de bens
Inglês: community property regime, full community property regime, partial community property regime, separation of property regime

  1. In broad strokes, marital regimes follow three general models: full community property, partial community property, and separation of property. In many countries, couples may accept the legal default regime or opt for a different one. Community property regimes have been historically associated with countries whose legal traditions derive from Roman law, such as Southern Europe and Latin America. - James B. Davies
  2. If you were married under a community property regime, you would have the right to 50% of whatever was purchased.
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