Como dizer "Reparar na roupa dos outros" em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Como poderíamos traduzir "reparar" no contexto abaixo?
Algumas pessoas também reclamam que na igreja católica todo mundo fica reparando na roupa alheia, e essa atitude acaba por inibir o comparecimento à igreja.
Notice? - Sei não!
Ex: Olha a Selma, é a terceira vez que ela vem à missa com o mesmo vestido.
Isso (acima) é reparar.

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2 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
Nitpicking/finding fault.

It is rude to try to find fault with/nitpick people's attires.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Some people go the church not to hear the sermon/preaching/the word of God,etc..., not to have a true religious experience, seems like they are there to see what others are wearing as if that was of great importance!

Many people go to the church more to check what others are wearing, instead of focusing on worship. And that isn´t a good/kind thing to do...

So many times, in the church, I have seen men and women looking around to see who was wearing what. They were paying more attention to what others were wearing than to the message that was being given.