Como dizer "reprovar por infrequência" em inglês

JooD 1
Como podemos dizer que um aluno foi "reprovado por infrequência" - ou frequência insuficiente - na escola, faculdade etc.?

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3 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579
"TRUANCY" é um termo comum neste sentido: "He was retained due to truancy"
Leonardo96 19 293
He/she flunked due to insufficient attendance.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Truancy can be understood as synonym with absenteeism, but tecnically it would be "matar aula/gazear" (the situation of children being absent from school regularly without permission).

There is the context of the problem" of children being absent from school regularly without permission, then it would be really the equivalent to absenteeism. Here the insufficient attendance, pointed out by Leonardo.

You can find elsewhere the "truant officer" (inspetor(a) ), that will see why someone "playing hooky" doesn't arrive at the school... In Canada they have changed the description to "Attendance Counselor".