Como dizer "respaldado pelos votos recebidos" em inglês
As decisões de Barack Obama de pois da eleição estão respaldadas pelos 65 milhões de votos que ele recebeu.
1 resposta
Barack Obama decisions (after being elected/re-elected) are backed by the majority of American voters. If the 65 mi. votes of the general voting public is any indication.
Barack Obama decisions (after being elected/re-elected) have strong support of the public voters that gave him 65 mi. votes recently.
And so forth, and so on.
It worth noticing that the body of 65 mi. won´t support him in each and every issue. A rich group that lobby for themselves might not accept and back up tax policy or that of gas etc.
A religious group perhaps don´t agree with certain policies on wedding, or rights of women in being pro-choice.
And the list goes on and on.
Barack Obama decisions (after being elected/re-elected) have strong support of the public voters that gave him 65 mi. votes recently.
And so forth, and so on.
It worth noticing that the body of 65 mi. won´t support him in each and every issue. A rich group that lobby for themselves might not accept and back up tax policy or that of gas etc.
A religious group perhaps don´t agree with certain policies on wedding, or rights of women in being pro-choice.
And the list goes on and on.