Como dizer "revelar (um segredo) falando demais" em inglês

Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
To babble.
Sinônimo: To blabber.


"Before we could stop him he had babbled our plans to the group"
(Por falar demais, ele acabou revelando nossos planos para o grupo, antes mesmo que pudéssemos impedi-lo)

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Para "deixar escapar", qdo a gente fala alguma coisa sem querer e só depois se dá conta que falou demais: To let slip

I let it slip that John and Claire are having an affair.
She let slip that the company is going to fire many people.
To let the cat out of the bag.
The party was supposed to be a surprise but Bill let the cat out of the bag.
jorgeluiz 1 6 92
No The Free Dictionary encontramos alguns phrasal verbs que servem ao tópico:
1- GIVE AWAY : To reveal or make known, often accidentally.
2 - LET ON : To allow to be known; admit: Don't let on that you know me.
3- let (someone) in on:
. To reveal (a secret) to someone: They finally let me in on their plans.
. To allow someone to participate in (something).

cheers !