Como dizer ''Sapequinha (no sentido carinhoso)'' em inglês
Oi pessoal! Andei pesquisando sapeca e todas as palavras tem conotação negativa. Gostaria de saber como usar no sentido abaixo:
Sua sapequinha, fazendo coceguinhas na mamãe!!
Num sentido carinhoso da palavra. Obrigada
Sua sapequinha, fazendo coceguinhas na mamãe!!
Num sentido carinhoso da palavra. Obrigada
2 respostas
I’d say nasty, like you little mom’s nasty.
You little cute fun-loving thing! Tickling mom!
Anyway, you could try hard not to show he/she makes you laugh, then the following:
You little cute fun-loving thing! Trying to tickle mom!
Oh, little mischievous boy/girl, trying to tickle mom!
And certainly, there are other ways, let's wait for more.
Anyway, you could try hard not to show he/she makes you laugh, then the following:
You little cute fun-loving thing! Trying to tickle mom!
Oh, little mischievous boy/girl, trying to tickle mom!
And certainly, there are other ways, let's wait for more.