Como dizer "sentir (sabor)" em inglês

Gostaria de saber quando se trata de SENTIR o sabor de alguma comida é FEEL ? ou outra palavra ...

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2 respostas
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Henry Cunha 3 18 190
There are some options, with somewhat different meanings:

You can savor food / life / wine / victory / etc. (saborear)

You can taste the dessert / the sweetness / the wine / the food / etc. (experimentar? sentir?)

But maybe you mean it more like this:

You can feel the taste of fresh apples in this apple pie. / You can taste the fresh apples in this apple pie.
We could smell the mushroom soup from the front door.
We could smell the flavour of vanilla in the pudding.
This ice cream has a lemony flavour.
Thank you Henry ;)