Como dizer "Ser demitido por telefone" em inglês
Presidente Dilma demite ministro da saúde por telefone.
Get fired over the phone.
Getting fired is difficult, getting fired over the phone or by some other impersonal means only makes a firing more painful. Employers can fire employees over the phone, by letter or email, in person, or even by sending a text message.
Get fired over the phone.
Getting fired is difficult, getting fired over the phone or by some other impersonal means only makes a firing more painful. Employers can fire employees over the phone, by letter or email, in person, or even by sending a text message.
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to get canned over the phone
to get laid off over the phone (This word implies that the person may be re-hired at a later date. "Business is always slow in December, and many of us will be laid off until new orders come in around late January or February." Often called "a temporary lay-off.")
to get laid off over the phone (This word implies that the person may be re-hired at a later date. "Business is always slow in December, and many of us will be laid off until new orders come in around late January or February." Often called "a temporary lay-off.")
Formal: To get dismissed over the phone.