Como dizer "Ser/Ficar órfão de algo" em inglês

TheBigSpire 1 11 33
Hey folks,

Em português, quando gostamos muito de uma série mas ela termina, dizemos que "ficamos órfãos de tal série". Ou quando gostamos de uma banda e ela se separa, é possível dizer que somos "órfãos de tal banda". Sugeririam algum equivalente em inglês?

- Sou órfão de The Office, desde que a série terminou não consigo me empolgar com outra.

Thanks a lot! :)

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3 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
I can't think of anything in terms of a specific adjective off the top of my head, maybe that's just one of those expressions that are unique to one particular language, in this case Portuguese, and are hard to be translated into another language while allowing it to maintain its slangy idiomatic ring to it, in which case you'd have to come up with something that best explains the idea you're trying to express while using a different kind of structure. With that being said this is how I would say it personally:

To this day I still haven't gotten over the end of "The office" . No other show seems to get me excited about it as much as it did.

But again, it could be that there is a specific term in English that's equivalent to it that I either can't recall right now or I just haven't learned yet. Let's wait for further replies if a specific adjective is what you're looking for but I believe my sentence will perfectly convey that idea.
Alessandro 3 13 98
Uma opção mais simples poderia ser:

I'm missing the show so much.

Mas como o sentimento de tristeza (de vazio) é mais profundo talvez "feel the grief" poderia ser utilizado:

My favorite TV show is over and I still feel the grief.

PS. Foi assim que me senti quando Suits acabou. Eu te entendo. :cry:
Redseahorse 4 36 579
Metaforicamente, a frase FICAR/SER ÓRFÃO é utilizada também na língua Inglesa. Não vejo problema em manter uma tradução literal!

Ex.: "The second volume of the two-volume set was orphaned when we lost the first volume."