Como dizer "só o tempo dirá, só o tempo vai falar" em inglês

Inglês: Only time will tell
Português: Só o tempo dirá

Exemplo em Inglês:
Woman: You back?
Man: Only time will tell!

Tradução do Exemplo:
Mulher: Você volta?
Homen: Só o tempo dirá!

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
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DHST 1 3 15
EugenioTM 7 48
Pode-se dizer também:

It's a matter of time (É uma questão de tempo)
Obrigado DHST, quem clicar no link vai ler que este termo só pode ser usado em coisas que só poderão ser tidas após acontecerem.

Used to say that the truth or a result will only be known in the future after events have happened.

Obrigado Eugênio é sempre bom ter esta variedade no idioma que está aprendendo.
brasimericano 1 2 23
"It's a matter of time" really does not fit the expression "Only time will tell". On the other hand, "It's a matter of time" (and we usually say It's just a matter of time) would mainly refer to an event that is likely to happen, while "time will tell" expresses a question of whether or not an event will occur.

For example:

If a football team is really good, and someone asks another person if they think that the team will ever win the Superbowl, the other person might say, "They are so good, it's just a matter of time" before they win it.

But if the team is not very good, or perhaps they are becoming better, the response might be "only time will tell".
jlmmelo 14 107

Time will show - só o tempo dirá, o tempo mostrará; quem viver verá:

  • 1. We believe that children need both a father and a mother and that time will show how important it really is for them.

    2. He had perfect judgment, as time will show.

    3. As for her tour, time will show but I still feel it is a shame that folks spend their hard-earned money on someone who can't sing live.