Como dizer "somos os melhores jogadores da cidade" em inglês

Seria => "We are the best football players in the city"?

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4 respostas
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We are the best players in town
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Também está correto "We are the best football players in the city''. Quando estiver falando de "football", é claro.
donay mendonça escreveu:Também está correto "We are the best football players in the city''. Quando estiver falando de "football", é claro.
Yes, I was talking about football, but did not fit in the title.
timphillips 11
Hi guys,
I am a confused English man.
Are you talking about American football here or football (i.e. soccer)?

(US) football = Amercian football
(UK) football = soccer

I am a rugby football (or just rugby) player myself!
;) Tim