Como dizer "supérfluo, não necessário (coisas)" em inglês

  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
"Filho, não compre isso. É supérfluo. Olha, temos que economizar." / Supérfluo: Que não é necessário, que é dispensável (luxo supérfluo). [Aulete] Como é em inglês

Português: supérfluo, coisas supérfluas
Inglês: unnecessary; unnecessary things
  • Are you spending money on unnecessary things? [Você está gastando dinheiro com coisas supérfluas?]
  • Stop spending money on unnecessary things. [Pare de gastar dinheiro com supérfluos.]
Mais exemplos:
  1. In this city, owning a car is unnecessary.
  2. Most of us blow a lot of money on unnecessary things – frequent meals out, cigarettes, booze, entertainment, clothes, lattes – that contribute nothing to our financial well being.
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6 respostas
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Henry Army 3 10 50
Hello Donay, nice tip, I'd like to add : luxuries, it's used to describe the same thing, pretty common in the UK.
Breckenfeld 3 15 131
My suggestion:


Mas assim, se eu quiser chamar uma pessoa de supérflua eu posso escrever assim; are you that shallow?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I think "shallow" might suggest emptiness, it could come up as a harsh treatment.
To me "superficial" would be a better word choice, it could mean "lacking substance" (more acceptable) or "vain".
That doesn´t mean that "shallow" couldn´t have "superficial" as a synonym. So, it would depend on the situation, the tone of voice, the mood of the listener, etc. Maybe with a dash of humor the other party would let it pass, and you would get away with it! :-)
Thanks for your answer PPAULO, it makes sense now :) I was tryin' to talk to a guy that was trying to scam me, so I wanted to be rude with him. Nice to learn new words since I didn't knew I could also use "superficial" to this specific case :)
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Thanks you for your nice feedback. You are welcome.

Grammar aside: the past form you intended is - ...since I didn't know I could also use "superficial". It will be translated into Portuguese just the way you thought it should. DID changes the tense to the past event, the verb maintains in its bare form.

Keep up the good work, see ya around!