Como dizer "Tão fácil quanto tirar doce de criança" em inglê
Tão fácil quanto tirar doce de criança, mais fácil que tirar doce de criança, igual a tirar doce de criança em inglês: be like taking candy from a baby; be as easy as taking candy from a baby
"Beating Argentina was like taking candy from a baby."
"Derrotar a Argentina foi igual tirar doce de criança."
Bons estudos!
Tão fácil quanto tirar doce de criança, mais fácil que tirar doce de criança, igual a tirar doce de criança em inglês: be like taking candy from a baby; be as easy as taking candy from a baby
"Beating Argentina was like taking candy from a baby."
"Derrotar a Argentina foi igual tirar doce de criança."
Bons estudos!
4 respostas
1 2 3 - So Easy -- Like Taking Candy from a Baby
Children shouldn't have candy anyway... I kind of like the old cliché, "as easy as pie," but have no idea where the expression comes from. Cheers!
(P.S. Maybe from Pythagoras, who would have said "as easy as Pi." I don't know.)
(P.S. Maybe from Pythagoras, who would have said "as easy as Pi." I don't know.)
I don't know wether ".... as simple as falling off a bike." would fit.
But I found this one somewhere.
See ya
But I found this one somewhere.
See ya
Hi Henry
I found ... 20as%20pie
Etymology: 'Pie' is a tasty, sweet dish that is easy to make, and even easier to eat.
but is doesnt sound like a great explanation to me
suggests the etymology is not clear.
I found ... 20as%20pie
Etymology: 'Pie' is a tasty, sweet dish that is easy to make, and even easier to eat.
but is doesnt sound like a great explanation to me
suggests the etymology is not clear.