Como dizer "tapar a boca de alguém com a mão" em inglês

Ravenna 3
Hi there!

Como eu digo: "tapar a boca de alguém com a mão", como quando alguém ataca outra pessoa e para que a 'vítima' faça silêncio usa a mão para silenciar os possíveis gritos...??

Thanks in advance my friends... ^^


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6 respostas
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Thomas 7 62 297
The assailant put his hand over the victim's mouth
Thomas escreveu:The assailant put his hand over the victim's mouth
Could I say: "The assailant put his hand on the victim's mouth" :?:
What you guys think 'bout "shut someone's mouth with the hand"? :)
heartbeatssound escreveu:What you guys think 'bout "shut someone's mouth with the hand"? :)
:? Parece-me redundância. Ex.: Shut his mouth with the hand.
Acho que se eu mando calar a boca de alguém, claro que é com a mão.
But let's wait a bit for more suggestions.
Mas quem sabe vc esteja certa.
Personal opinion is right in English but not in Portuguese.
Vitor Ferreira escreveu:
heartbeatssound escreveu:What you guys think 'bout "shut someone's mouth with the hand"? :)
:? Parece-me redundância. Ex.: Shut his mouth with the hand.
Acho que se eu mando calar a boca de alguém, claro que é com a mão.
But let's wait a bit for more suggestions.
Mas quem sabe vc esteja certa.
Personal opinion is right in English but not in Portuguese.
Não necessariamente Vitor, quando dizemos "calar a boca de alguém" não precisa ser com a mão, por exemplo: vou calar a boca de todos mostrando que sei fazer isso. Tipo assim, sabe?
But I agree, let's wait for mote suggestions! :)
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Thomas 7 62 297
If shut someone's mouth with your hand, the person has his mouth in an open position and you are closing it. You are not covering it (to prevent him from talking); you are closing it in the same sense you close a door.

If you put your hand over someone's mouth, you are covering it but not necessarily closing it. If you put a curtain over a window, have you closed it? Not necessarily. You have covered it.

Small differences, but...