Como dizer "Taxa básica de juros (Selic)" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
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Português: taxa básica de juros (Selic)
Inglês: benchmark Selic base interest rate

"Com a redução da taxa básica de juros (Selic), o BC também diminui a atratividade das aplicações em títulos da dívida pública." -

  1. The Brazilian Central Bank is expected to raise the benchmark Selic base interest rate for a third time in 2011 later Wednesday.
  2. The benchmark Selic base interest rate currently stands at 11.75%, by far one of the highest interest rates out of the major economies.
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2 respostas
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Zumstein 1 31 435
Selic Rate

Selic – Special System for Settlement and Custody.
On account of this concern, the Copom (the Central Bank's Monetary Policy Committee) started a process of increasing the Selic Rate. (

Selic – Sistema Especial de Liquidação e Custódia.
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
This is generally loosely known as the prime rate in English, or, more precisely, the central bank's federal funds rate. See

You'll see an identical definition for the Selic at