Como dizer "ter problema com algo" em inglês

MarcosV 1
"Tenho problema com meu temperamento"
"Ele tem problema com os pais"

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4 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I have a toxic parent (one of them.)
I have toxic parents (both of them.)
I cope with difficult parents.
I try to have a good relationship with my parents, but the encounters are painful/upsetting.
I have a difficult parent/a difficult mother/a difficult father etc...

And other ways. These are the most common ones.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Also: my parents give me a hard time. (on the informal side here. Meaning either they are a handful or they are difficult people.)
I have issues with my temper. / I have some temper issues.
She has some issues with her parents.

Problems também funciona mas issues é mais frequente.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Outras formas:

A. Tenho problema com meu temperamento. [I have anger issues.]
B. Ele tem problema com os pais. [He has issues with his parents.]

Para generalizar (problemas que tornam a pessoa difícil de lidar):

A. He has issues. [Ele tem problemas.]
B. She has issues. [Ela tem problemas.]

That's it!