Como dizer "terreno" em inglês

Mackvader 14
Como poderia falar terreno , por exemplo , na compra de um terreno para contruir depois ?

por exemplo :

Vou comprar um terreno para construir uma pousada .

Obrigado desde já .

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Hi Mackvader!

Eu penso assim:
I'm going to buy a plot of land to build an inn on.

ou ainda, Lot:
They’re going to build a house on this lot.

Acredito que "plot of land", assim como "parcel of land" sejam usados mais comumente em áreas rurais.

Bons estudos! ;)
Mackvader 14
Olá !
Muito Obrigado pela explicação:)
Por nada! :)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Pessoal,

Uma sugestão:

Some land=Um terreno

Boa sorte!
maryziller 1 2
Rated terms would be "real estate" and "property."

A housing development is an area of land under construction, where several new homes are being built. The homes are built on lots or parcels of land, whereby an acre usually yields 3 plots of land. A house is build on each plot/lot.

These are taken from
1. property, esp. in land: three acres of real estate.
2. real property
3. a small piece or area of ground: a garden plot; burial plot.
4. a measured piece or parcel of land: a house on a two-acre plot.

6. a distinct portion or piece of land: a building lot.
7. a piece of land forming a part of a district, city, or other community.

9. a piece of land having the use specified by the attributive noun or adjective: a parking lot; a used-car lot
real property - Law. an estate or property consisting of lands and of all appurtenances to lands, as buildings, crops, or mineral rights (distinguished from personal property
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Mackvader 14
Hi Mary,

Very interesting !
Many thanks :)